No Matches
nvg.hpp File Reference
Classes | |
struct | cv::v4d::nvg::GlyphPosition |
class | cv::v4d::nvg::detail::NVG |
struct | cv::v4d::nvg::Paint |
struct | cv::v4d::nvg::TextRow |
Namespaces | |
namespace | cv |
"black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk. | |
namespace | cv::v4d |
namespace | cv::v4d::nvg |
namespace | cv::v4d::nvg::detail |
Functions | |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::addFallbackFont (const char *baseFont, const char *fallbackFont) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::addFallbackFontId (int baseFont, int fallbackFont) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::arc (float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, int dir) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::arcTo (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::beginPath () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::bezierTo (float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y) |
Paint | cv::v4d::nvg::boxGradient (float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, float f, const cv::Scalar &icol, const cv::Scalar &ocol) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::circle (float cx, float cy, float r) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::clear (const cv::Scalar &bgra=cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 255)) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::closePath () |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::createFont (const char *name, const char *filename) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::createFontMem (const char *name, unsigned char *data, int ndata, int freeData) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::createImage (const char *filename, int imageFlags) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::createImageMem (int imageFlags, unsigned char *data, int ndata) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::createImageRGBA (int w, int h, int imageFlags, const unsigned char *data) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::currentTransform (float *xform) |
float | cv::v4d::nvg::degToRad (float deg) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::deleteImage (int image) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::ellipse (float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fill () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fillColor (const cv::Scalar &color) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fillPaint (Paint paint) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::findFont (const char *name) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fontBlur (float blur) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fontFace (const char *font) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fontFaceId (int font) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::fontSize (float size) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::globalAlpha (float alpha) |
Paint | cv::v4d::nvg::imagePattern (float ox, float oy, float ex, float ey, float angle, int image, float alpha) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::imageSize (int image, int *w, int *h) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::intersectScissor (float x, float y, float w, float h) |
Paint | cv::v4d::nvg::linearGradient (float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey, const cv::Scalar &icol, const cv::Scalar &ocol) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::lineCap (int cap) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::lineJoin (int join) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::lineTo (float x, float y) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::miterLimit (float limit) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::moveTo (float x, float y) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::pathWinding (int dir) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::quadTo (float cx, float cy, float x, float y) |
Paint | cv::v4d::nvg::radialGradient (float cx, float cy, float inr, float outr, const cv::Scalar &icol, const cv::Scalar &ocol) |
float | cv::v4d::nvg::radToDeg (float rad) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::rect (float x, float y, float w, float h) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::reset () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::resetScissor () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::resetTransform () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::restore () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::rotate (float angle) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::roundedRect (float x, float y, float w, float h, float r) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::roundedRectVarying (float x, float y, float w, float h, float radTopLeft, float radTopRight, float radBottomRight, float radBottomLeft) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::save () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::scale (float x, float y) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::scissor (float x, float y, float w, float h) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::skewX (float angle) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::skewY (float angle) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::stroke () |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::strokeColor (const cv::Scalar &bgra) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::strokePaint (Paint paint) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::strokeWidth (float size) |
float | cv::v4d::nvg::text (float x, float y, const char *string, const char *end) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::textAlign (int align) |
float | cv::v4d::nvg::textBounds (float x, float y, const char *string, const char *end, float *bounds) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::textBox (float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, const char *string, const char *end) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::textBoxBounds (float x, float y, float breakRowWidth, const char *string, const char *end, float *bounds) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::textBreakLines (const char *string, const char *end, float breakRowWidth, TextRow *rows, int maxRows) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::textGlyphPositions (float x, float y, const char *string, const char *end, GlyphPosition *positions, int maxPositions) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::textLetterSpacing (float spacing) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::textLineHeight (float lineHeight) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::textMetrics (float *ascender, float *descender, float *lineh) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transform (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformIdentity (float *dst) |
int | cv::v4d::nvg::transformInverse (float *dst, const float *src) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformMultiply (float *dst, const float *src) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformPoint (float *dstx, float *dsty, const float *xform, float srcx, float srcy) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformPremultiply (float *dst, const float *src) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformRotate (float *dst, float a) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformScale (float *dst, float sx, float sy) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformSkewX (float *dst, float a) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformSkewY (float *dst, float a) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::transformTranslate (float *dst, float tx, float ty) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::translate (float x, float y) |
void | cv::v4d::nvg::updateImage (int image, const unsigned char *data) |