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Render vector graphics

Prev Tutorial: Display an image using NanoVG
Next Tutorial: Render vector graphics and manipulate the framebuffer

Original author Amir Hassan (kallaballa) amir@.nosp@m.viel.nosp@m.-zu.o.nosp@m.rg
Compatibility OpenCV >= 4.7

Vector graphics

Through the html5-canvas-like nvg-context sophisticated vector graphics rendering is possible.

Vector Graphics
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::v4d;
class VectorGraphicsPlan: public Plan {
void infer(Ptr<V4D> win) override {
//Creates a NanoVG context and draws googly eyes that occasionally blink.
win->nvg([](const Size &sz) {
//Calls from this namespace may only be used inside a nvg context.
//Nvg calls work exactly like their c-funtion counterparts.
//Please refer to the NanoVG documentation for details.
using namespace cv::v4d::nvg;
static long start = cv::getTickCount() / cv::getTickFrequency();
float t = cv::getTickCount() / cv::getTickFrequency() - start;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float w = sz.width / 4;
float h = sz.height / 4;
translate((sz.width / 2.0f) - (w / 2.0f), (sz.height / 2.0f) - (h / 2.0f));
float mx = w / 2.0;
float my = h / 2.0;
Paint gloss, bg;
float ex = w * 0.23f;
float ey = h * 0.5f;
float lx = x + ex;
float ly = y + ey;
float rx = x + w - ex;
float ry = y + ey;
float dx, dy, d;
float br = (ex < ey ? ex : ey) * 0.5f;
float blink = 1 - pow(sinf(t * 0.5f), 200) * 0.8f;
bg = linearGradient(x, y + h * 0.5f, x + w * 0.1f, y + h,
cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 32), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0, 16));
ellipse(lx + 3.0f, ly + 16.0f, ex, ey);
ellipse(rx + 3.0f, ry + 16.0f, ex, ey);
bg = linearGradient(x, y + h * 0.25f, x + w * 0.1f, y + h,
cv::Scalar(220, 220, 220, 255),
cv::Scalar(128, 128, 128, 255));
ellipse(lx, ly, ex, ey);
ellipse(rx, ry, ex, ey);
dx = (mx - rx) / (ex * 10);
dy = (my - ry) / (ey * 10);
d = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (d > 1.0f) {
dx /= d;
dy /= d;
dx *= ex * 0.4f;
dy *= ey * 0.5f;
ellipse(lx + dx, ly + dy + ey * 0.25f * (1 - blink), br,
br * blink);
fillColor(cv::Scalar(32, 32, 32, 255));
dx = (mx - rx) / (ex * 10);
dy = (my - ry) / (ey * 10);
d = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (d > 1.0f) {
dx /= d;
dy /= d;
dx *= ex * 0.4f;
dy *= ey * 0.5f;
ellipse(rx + dx, ry + dy + ey * 0.25f * (1 - blink), br,
br * blink);
fillColor(cv::Scalar(32, 32, 32, 255));
gloss = radialGradient(lx - ex * 0.25f, ly - ey * 0.5f,
ex * 0.1f, ex * 0.75f, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255, 128),
cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255, 0));
ellipse(lx, ly, ex, ey);
gloss = radialGradient(rx - ex * 0.25f, ry - ey * 0.5f,
ex * 0.1f, ex * 0.75f, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255, 128),
cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255, 0));
ellipse(rx, ry, ex, ey);
}, win->fbSize());
int main() {
Ptr<V4D> window = V4D::make(960, 960, "Vector Graphics");
Template class for specifying the size of an image or rectangle.
Definition: types.hpp:335
_Tp height
the height
Definition: types.hpp:363
_Tp width
the width
Definition: types.hpp:362
Definition: v4d.hpp:68
std::shared_ptr< _Tp > Ptr
Definition: cvstd_wrapper.hpp:23
double getTickFrequency()
Returns the number of ticks per second.
int64 getTickCount()
Returns the number of ticks.
Definition: nvg.hpp:20
Definition: backend.hpp:15
"black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk.
Definition: core.hpp:106
Definition: nvg.hpp:36