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imgproc.hpp File Reference
Classes | |
class | cv::CLAHE |
Base class for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization. More... | |
class | cv::GeneralizedHough |
finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform More... | |
class | cv::GeneralizedHoughBallard |
finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform More... | |
class | cv::GeneralizedHoughGuil |
finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform More... | |
class | cv::LineIterator |
Class for iterating over all pixels on a raster line segment. More... | |
class | cv::LineSegmentDetector |
Line segment detector class. More... | |
struct | cv::Subdiv2D::QuadEdge |
class | cv::Subdiv2D |
struct | cv::Subdiv2D::Vertex |
Namespaces | |
namespace | cv |
"black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk. | |
Macros | |
#define | CV_RGB(r, g, b) cv::Scalar((b), (g), (r), 0) |
Functions | |
void | cv::accumulate (InputArray src, InputOutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
Adds an image to the accumulator image. | |
void | cv::accumulateProduct (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, InputOutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator image. | |
void | cv::accumulateSquare (InputArray src, InputOutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator image. | |
void | cv::accumulateWeighted (InputArray src, InputOutputArray dst, double alpha, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
Updates a running average. | |
void | cv::adaptiveThreshold (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double maxValue, int adaptiveMethod, int thresholdType, int blockSize, double C) |
Applies an adaptive threshold to an array. | |
void | cv::applyColorMap (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray userColor) |
Applies a user colormap on a given image. | |
void | cv::applyColorMap (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int colormap) |
Applies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given image. | |
void | cv::approxPolyDP (InputArray curve, OutputArray approxCurve, double epsilon, bool closed) |
Approximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precision. | |
double | cv::arcLength (InputArray curve, bool closed) |
Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length. | |
void | cv::arrowedLine (InputOutputArray img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int line_type=8, int shift=0, double tipLength=0.1) |
Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one. | |
void | cv::bilateralFilter (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int d, double sigmaColor, double sigmaSpace, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Applies the bilateral filter to an image. | |
void | cv::blendLinear (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, InputArray weights1, InputArray weights2, OutputArray dst) |
void | cv::blur (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Blurs an image using the normalized box filter. | |
Rect | cv::boundingRect (InputArray array) |
Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set or non-zero pixels of gray-scale image. | |
void | cv::boxFilter (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, Size ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), bool normalize=true, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Blurs an image using the box filter. | |
void | cv::boxPoints (RotatedRect box, OutputArray points) |
Finds the four vertices of a rotated rect. Useful to draw the rotated rectangle. | |
void | cv::buildPyramid (InputArray src, OutputArrayOfArrays dst, int maxlevel, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Constructs the Gaussian pyramid for an image. | |
void | cv::calcBackProject (const Mat *images, int nimages, const int *channels, const SparseMat &hist, OutputArray backProject, const float **ranges, double scale=1, bool uniform=true) |
void | cv::calcBackProject (const Mat *images, int nimages, const int *channels, InputArray hist, OutputArray backProject, const float **ranges, double scale=1, bool uniform=true) |
Calculates the back projection of a histogram. | |
void | cv::calcBackProject (InputArrayOfArrays images, const std::vector< int > &channels, InputArray hist, OutputArray dst, const std::vector< float > &ranges, double scale) |
void | cv::calcHist (const Mat *images, int nimages, const int *channels, InputArray mask, OutputArray hist, int dims, const int *histSize, const float **ranges, bool uniform=true, bool accumulate=false) |
Calculates a histogram of a set of arrays. | |
void | cv::calcHist (const Mat *images, int nimages, const int *channels, InputArray mask, SparseMat &hist, int dims, const int *histSize, const float **ranges, bool uniform=true, bool accumulate=false) |
void | cv::calcHist (InputArrayOfArrays images, const std::vector< int > &channels, InputArray mask, OutputArray hist, const std::vector< int > &histSize, const std::vector< float > &ranges, bool accumulate=false) |
void | cv::Canny (InputArray dx, InputArray dy, OutputArray edges, double threshold1, double threshold2, bool L2gradient=false) |
void | cv::Canny (InputArray image, OutputArray edges, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize=3, bool L2gradient=false) |
Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm [Canny86] . | |
void | cv::circle (InputOutputArray img, Point center, int radius, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
Draws a circle. | |
bool | cv::clipLine (Rect imgRect, Point &pt1, Point &pt2) |
bool | cv::clipLine (Size imgSize, Point &pt1, Point &pt2) |
Clips the line against the image rectangle. | |
bool | cv::clipLine (Size2l imgSize, Point2l &pt1, Point2l &pt2) |
double | cv::compareHist (const SparseMat &H1, const SparseMat &H2, int method) |
double | cv::compareHist (InputArray H1, InputArray H2, int method) |
Compares two histograms. | |
int | cv::connectedComponents (InputArray image, OutputArray labels, int connectivity, int ltype, int ccltype) |
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image | |
int | cv::connectedComponents (InputArray image, OutputArray labels, int connectivity=8, int ltype=CV_32S) |
int | cv::connectedComponentsWithStats (InputArray image, OutputArray labels, OutputArray stats, OutputArray centroids, int connectivity, int ltype, int ccltype) |
computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image and also produces a statistics output for each label | |
int | cv::connectedComponentsWithStats (InputArray image, OutputArray labels, OutputArray stats, OutputArray centroids, int connectivity=8, int ltype=CV_32S) |
double | cv::contourArea (InputArray contour, bool oriented=false) |
Calculates a contour area. | |
void | cv::convertMaps (InputArray map1, InputArray map2, OutputArray dstmap1, OutputArray dstmap2, int dstmap1type, bool nninterpolation=false) |
Converts image transformation maps from one representation to another. | |
void | cv::convexHull (InputArray points, OutputArray hull, bool clockwise=false, bool returnPoints=true) |
Finds the convex hull of a point set. | |
void | cv::convexityDefects (InputArray contour, InputArray convexhull, OutputArray convexityDefects) |
Finds the convexity defects of a contour. | |
void | cv::cornerEigenValsAndVecs (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection. | |
void | cv::cornerHarris (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Harris corner detector. | |
void | cv::cornerMinEigenVal (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int blockSize, int ksize=3, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates the minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection. | |
void | cv::cornerSubPix (InputArray image, InputOutputArray corners, Size winSize, Size zeroZone, TermCriteria criteria) |
Refines the corner locations. | |
Ptr< CLAHE > | cv::createCLAHE (double clipLimit=40.0, Size tileGridSize=Size(8, 8)) |
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::CLAHE class and initializes it. | |
Ptr< GeneralizedHoughBallard > | cv::createGeneralizedHoughBallard () |
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::GeneralizedHoughBallard class and initializes it. | |
Ptr< GeneralizedHoughGuil > | cv::createGeneralizedHoughGuil () |
Creates a smart pointer to a cv::GeneralizedHoughGuil class and initializes it. | |
void | cv::createHanningWindow (OutputArray dst, Size winSize, int type) |
This function computes a Hanning window coefficients in two dimensions. | |
Ptr< LineSegmentDetector > | cv::createLineSegmentDetector (int refine=LSD_REFINE_STD, double scale=0.8, double sigma_scale=0.6, double quant=2.0, double ang_th=22.5, double log_eps=0, double density_th=0.7, int n_bins=1024) |
Creates a smart pointer to a LineSegmentDetector object and initializes it. | |
void | cv::cvtColor (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int code, int dstCn=0) |
Converts an image from one color space to another. | |
void | cv::cvtColorTwoPlane (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int code) |
Converts an image from one color space to another where the source image is stored in two planes. | |
void | cv::demosaicing (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int code, int dstCn=0) |
main function for all demosaicing processes | |
void | cv::dilate (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue()) |
Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element. | |
void | cv::distanceTransform (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int distanceType, int maskSize, int dstType=CV_32F) |
void | cv::distanceTransform (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, OutputArray labels, int distanceType, int maskSize, int labelType=DIST_LABEL_CCOMP) |
Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image. | |
void | cv::divSpectrums (InputArray a, InputArray b, OutputArray c, int flags, bool conjB=false) |
Performs the per-element division of the first Fourier spectrum by the second Fourier spectrum. | |
void | cv::drawContours (InputOutputArray image, InputArrayOfArrays contours, int contourIdx, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, InputArray hierarchy=noArray(), int maxLevel=INT_MAX, Point offset=Point()) |
Draws contours outlines or filled contours. | |
void | cv::drawMarker (InputOutputArray img, Point position, const Scalar &color, int markerType=MARKER_CROSS, int markerSize=20, int thickness=1, int line_type=8) |
Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image. | |
void | cv::ellipse (InputOutputArray img, const RotatedRect &box, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8) |
void | cv::ellipse (InputOutputArray img, Point center, Size axes, double angle, double startAngle, double endAngle, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector. | |
void | cv::ellipse2Poly (Point center, Size axes, int angle, int arcStart, int arcEnd, int delta, std::vector< Point > &pts) |
Approximates an elliptic arc with a polyline. | |
void | cv::ellipse2Poly (Point2d center, Size2d axes, int angle, int arcStart, int arcEnd, int delta, std::vector< Point2d > &pts) |
float | cv::EMD (InputArray signature1, InputArray signature2, int distType, InputArray cost=noArray(), float *lowerBound=0, OutputArray flow=noArray()) |
Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations. | |
void | cv::equalizeHist (InputArray src, OutputArray dst) |
Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image. | |
void | cv::erode (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue()) |
Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element. | |
void | cv::fillConvexPoly (InputOutputArray img, const Point *pts, int npts, const Scalar &color, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
void | cv::fillConvexPoly (InputOutputArray img, InputArray points, const Scalar &color, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
Fills a convex polygon. | |
void | cv::fillPoly (InputOutputArray img, const Point **pts, const int *npts, int ncontours, const Scalar &color, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0, Point offset=Point()) |
void | cv::fillPoly (InputOutputArray img, InputArrayOfArrays pts, const Scalar &color, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0, Point offset=Point()) |
Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons. | |
void | cv::filter2D (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, InputArray kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Convolves an image with the kernel. | |
void | cv::findContours (InputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, int mode, int method, Point offset=Point()) |
void | cv::findContours (InputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, OutputArray hierarchy, int mode, int method, Point offset=Point()) |
Finds contours in a binary image. | |
RotatedRect | cv::fitEllipse (InputArray points) |
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. | |
RotatedRect | cv::fitEllipseAMS (InputArray points) |
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. | |
RotatedRect | cv::fitEllipseDirect (InputArray points) |
Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points. | |
void | cv::fitLine (InputArray points, OutputArray line, int distType, double param, double reps, double aeps) |
Fits a line to a 2D or 3D point set. | |
int | cv::floodFill (InputOutputArray image, InputOutputArray mask, Point seedPoint, Scalar newVal, Rect *rect=0, Scalar loDiff=Scalar(), Scalar upDiff=Scalar(), int flags=4) |
Fills a connected component with the given color. | |
int | cv::floodFill (InputOutputArray image, Point seedPoint, Scalar newVal, Rect *rect=0, Scalar loDiff=Scalar(), Scalar upDiff=Scalar(), int flags=4) |
void | cv::GaussianBlur (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize, double sigmaX, double sigmaY=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter. | |
Mat | cv::getAffineTransform (const Point2f src[], const Point2f dst[]) |
Calculates an affine transform from three pairs of the corresponding points. | |
Mat | cv::getAffineTransform (InputArray src, InputArray dst) |
void | cv::getDerivKernels (OutputArray kx, OutputArray ky, int dx, int dy, int ksize, bool normalize=false, int ktype=CV_32F) |
Returns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivatives. | |
double | cv::getFontScaleFromHeight (const int fontFace, const int pixelHeight, const int thickness=1) |
Calculates the font-specific size to use to achieve a given height in pixels. | |
Mat | cv::getGaborKernel (Size ksize, double sigma, double theta, double lambd, double gamma, double psi=CV_PI *0.5, int ktype=CV_64F) |
Returns Gabor filter coefficients. | |
Mat | cv::getGaussianKernel (int ksize, double sigma, int ktype=CV_64F) |
Returns Gaussian filter coefficients. | |
Mat | cv::getPerspectiveTransform (const Point2f src[], const Point2f dst[], int solveMethod=DECOMP_LU) |
Mat | cv::getPerspectiveTransform (InputArray src, InputArray dst, int solveMethod=DECOMP_LU) |
Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points. | |
void | cv::getRectSubPix (InputArray image, Size patchSize, Point2f center, OutputArray patch, int patchType=-1) |
Retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy. | |
Mat | cv::getRotationMatrix2D (Point2f center, double angle, double scale) |
Calculates an affine matrix of 2D rotation. | |
Matx23d | cv::getRotationMatrix2D_ (Point2f center, double angle, double scale) |
Mat | cv::getStructuringElement (int shape, Size ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1)) |
Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations. | |
Size | cv::getTextSize (const String &text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int *baseLine) |
Calculates the width and height of a text string. | |
void | cv::goodFeaturesToTrack (InputArray image, OutputArray corners, int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance, InputArray mask, int blockSize, int gradientSize, bool useHarrisDetector=false, double k=0.04) |
void | cv::goodFeaturesToTrack (InputArray image, OutputArray corners, int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance, InputArray mask, OutputArray cornersQuality, int blockSize=3, int gradientSize=3, bool useHarrisDetector=false, double k=0.04) |
Same as above, but returns also quality measure of the detected corners. | |
void | cv::goodFeaturesToTrack (InputArray image, OutputArray corners, int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance, InputArray mask=noArray(), int blockSize=3, bool useHarrisDetector=false, double k=0.04) |
Determines strong corners on an image. | |
void | cv::grabCut (InputArray img, InputOutputArray mask, Rect rect, InputOutputArray bgdModel, InputOutputArray fgdModel, int iterCount, int mode=GC_EVAL) |
Runs the GrabCut algorithm. | |
void | cv::HoughCircles (InputArray image, OutputArray circles, int method, double dp, double minDist, double param1=100, double param2=100, int minRadius=0, int maxRadius=0) |
Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform. | |
void | cv::HoughLines (InputArray image, OutputArray lines, double rho, double theta, int threshold, double srn=0, double stn=0, double min_theta=0, double max_theta=CV_PI) |
Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform. | |
void | cv::HoughLinesP (InputArray image, OutputArray lines, double rho, double theta, int threshold, double minLineLength=0, double maxLineGap=0) |
Finds line segments in a binary image using the probabilistic Hough transform. | |
void | cv::HoughLinesPointSet (InputArray point, OutputArray lines, int lines_max, int threshold, double min_rho, double max_rho, double rho_step, double min_theta, double max_theta, double theta_step) |
Finds lines in a set of points using the standard Hough transform. | |
void | cv::HuMoments (const Moments &m, OutputArray hu) |
void | cv::HuMoments (const Moments &moments, double hu[7]) |
Calculates seven Hu invariants. | |
void | cv::integral (InputArray src, OutputArray sum, int sdepth=-1) |
void | cv::integral (InputArray src, OutputArray sum, OutputArray sqsum, int sdepth=-1, int sqdepth=-1) |
void | cv::integral (InputArray src, OutputArray sum, OutputArray sqsum, OutputArray tilted, int sdepth=-1, int sqdepth=-1) |
Calculates the integral of an image. | |
float | cv::intersectConvexConvex (InputArray p1, InputArray p2, OutputArray p12, bool handleNested=true) |
Finds intersection of two convex polygons. | |
void | cv::invertAffineTransform (InputArray M, OutputArray iM) |
Inverts an affine transformation. | |
bool | cv::isContourConvex (InputArray contour) |
Tests a contour convexity. | |
void | cv::Laplacian (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, int ksize=1, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates the Laplacian of an image. | |
void | cv::line (InputOutputArray img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
Draws a line segment connecting two points. | |
void | cv::linearPolar (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Point2f center, double maxRadius, int flags) |
Remaps an image to polar coordinates space. | |
void | cv::logPolar (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Point2f center, double M, int flags) |
Remaps an image to semilog-polar coordinates space. | |
double | cv::matchShapes (InputArray contour1, InputArray contour2, int method, double parameter) |
Compares two shapes. | |
void | cv::matchTemplate (InputArray image, InputArray templ, OutputArray result, int method, InputArray mask=noArray()) |
Compares a template against overlapped image regions. | |
void | cv::medianBlur (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ksize) |
Blurs an image using the median filter. | |
RotatedRect | cv::minAreaRect (InputArray points) |
Finds a rotated rectangle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point set. | |
void | cv::minEnclosingCircle (InputArray points, Point2f ¢er, float &radius) |
Finds a circle of the minimum area enclosing a 2D point set. | |
double | cv::minEnclosingTriangle (InputArray points, OutputArray triangle) |
Finds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its area. | |
Moments | cv::moments (InputArray array, bool binaryImage=false) |
Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape. | |
static Scalar | cv::morphologyDefaultBorderValue () |
returns "magic" border value for erosion and dilation. It is automatically transformed to Scalar::all(-DBL_MAX) for dilation. | |
void | cv::morphologyEx (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int op, InputArray kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int iterations=1, int borderType=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=morphologyDefaultBorderValue()) |
Performs advanced morphological transformations. | |
Point2d | cv::phaseCorrelate (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, InputArray window=noArray(), double *response=0) |
The function is used to detect translational shifts that occur between two images. | |
double | cv::pointPolygonTest (InputArray contour, Point2f pt, bool measureDist) |
Performs a point-in-contour test. | |
void | cv::polylines (InputOutputArray img, const Point *const *pts, const int *npts, int ncontours, bool isClosed, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
void | cv::polylines (InputOutputArray img, InputArrayOfArrays pts, bool isClosed, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
Draws several polygonal curves. | |
void | cv::preCornerDetect (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ksize, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates a feature map for corner detection. | |
void | cv::putText (InputOutputArray img, const String &text, Point org, int fontFace, double fontScale, Scalar color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, bool bottomLeftOrigin=false) |
Draws a text string. | |
void | cv::pyrDown (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, const Size &dstsize=Size(), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Blurs an image and downsamples it. | |
void | cv::pyrMeanShiftFiltering (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double sp, double sr, int maxLevel=1, TermCriteria termcrit=TermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1)) |
Performs initial step of meanshift segmentation of an image. | |
void | cv::pyrUp (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, const Size &dstsize=Size(), int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Upsamples an image and then blurs it. | |
void | cv::rectangle (InputOutputArray img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
Draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle. | |
void | cv::rectangle (InputOutputArray img, Rect rec, const Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=LINE_8, int shift=0) |
void | cv::remap (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray map1, InputArray map2, int interpolation, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar()) |
Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image. | |
void | cv::resize (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR) |
Resizes an image. | |
int | cv::rotatedRectangleIntersection (const RotatedRect &rect1, const RotatedRect &rect2, OutputArray intersectingRegion) |
Finds out if there is any intersection between two rotated rectangles. | |
void | cv::Scharr (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator. | |
void | cv::sepFilter2D (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, InputArray kernelX, InputArray kernelY, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Applies a separable linear filter to an image. | |
void | cv::Sobel (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize=3, double scale=1, double delta=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator. | |
void | cv::spatialGradient (InputArray src, OutputArray dx, OutputArray dy, int ksize=3, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator. | |
void | cv::sqrBoxFilter (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, Size ksize, Point anchor=Point(-1, -1), bool normalize=true, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT) |
Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter. | |
void | cv::stackBlur (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize) |
Blurs an image using the stackBlur. | |
double | cv::threshold (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double thresh, double maxval, int type) |
Applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element. | |
void | cv::warpAffine (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray M, Size dsize, int flags=INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar()) |
Applies an affine transformation to an image. | |
void | cv::warpPerspective (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray M, Size dsize, int flags=INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar &borderValue=Scalar()) |
Applies a perspective transformation to an image. | |
void | cv::warpPolar (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, Point2f center, double maxRadius, int flags) |
Remaps an image to polar or semilog-polar coordinates space. | |
void | cv::watershed (InputArray image, InputOutputArray markers) |
Performs a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algorithm. | |
float | cv::wrapperEMD (InputArray signature1, InputArray signature2, int distType, InputArray cost=noArray(), Ptr< float > lowerBound=Ptr< float >(), OutputArray flow=noArray()) |