No Matches

Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors. More...

#include <opencv2/stitching/detail/matchers.hpp>

Public Member Functions

std::vector< KeyPointgetKeypoints ()

Public Attributes

UMat descriptors
int img_idx
Size img_size
std::vector< KeyPointkeypoints

Detailed Description

Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getKeypoints()

std::vector< KeyPoint > cv::detail::ImageFeatures::getKeypoints ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ descriptors

UMat cv::detail::ImageFeatures::descriptors

◆ img_idx

int cv::detail::ImageFeatures::img_idx

◆ img_size

Size cv::detail::ImageFeatures::img_size

◆ keypoints

std::vector<KeyPoint> cv::detail::ImageFeatures::keypoints

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