No Matches
cv::detail Namespace Reference


namespace  contrib_feature
namespace  kalman_filters
namespace  online_boosting
namespace  tbm
namespace  tld
namespace  tracking


struct  accepted_infer_types
class  AffineBasedEstimator
 Affine transformation based estimator. More...
class  AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher
 Features matcher similar to cv::detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf. More...
class  AffineWarper
 Affine warper that uses rotations and translations. More...
class  AugmentedUnscentedKalmanFilterParams
 Augmented Unscented Kalman filter parameters. The class for initialization parameters of Augmented Unscented Kalman filter. More...
class  BaseClassifier
class  BasicOpaqueRef
class  BasicVectorRef
class  BestOf2NearestMatcher
 Features matcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf. More...
class  BestOf2NearestRangeMatcher
class  Blender
 Base class for all blenders. More...
class  BlocksChannelsCompensator
 Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block on each channel. More...
class  BlocksCompensator
 Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image blocks. More...
class  BlocksGainCompensator
 Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block intensities, see [UES01] for details. More...
class  BundleAdjusterAffine
 Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
class  BundleAdjusterAffinePartial
 Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation with 4 DOF represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
class  BundleAdjusterBase
 Base class for all camera parameters refinement methods. More...
class  BundleAdjusterRay
 Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the distances between the rays passing through the camera center and a feature. : More...
class  BundleAdjusterReproj
 Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares. More...
struct  callCustomGetBorder
struct  callCustomGetBorder< false, Impl >
struct  callCustomGetBorder< true, Impl >
struct  CameraParams
 Describes camera parameters. More...
class  ChannelsCompensator
 Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities on each channel independently. More...
class  ClassifierThreshold
struct  CompileArgTag
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::calib3d::cpu::StereoInitParam >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::GNetPackage >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::plaidml::config >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::streaming::queue_capacity >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::use_only >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::video::BackgroundSubtractorParams >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::gapi::wip::draw::freetype_font >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::GKernelPackage >
struct  CompileArgTag< cv::graph_dump_path >
struct  CompileArgTag< gapi::oak::ColorCameraParams >
struct  CompileArgTag< gapi::oak::EncoderConfig >
struct  CompileArgTag< gapi::streaming::sync_policy >
struct  CompileArgTag< GFluidOutputRois >
struct  CompileArgTag< GFluidParallelFor >
struct  CompileArgTag< GFluidParallelOutputRois >
struct  CompressedRectilinearPortraitProjector
class  CompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper
struct  CompressedRectilinearProjector
class  CompressedRectilinearWarper
struct  contains_shape_field
struct  contains_shape_field< TaggedTypeCandidate, void_t< decltype(TaggedTypeCandidate::shape)> >
class  CvFeatureEvaluator
class  CvFeatureParams
class  CvHaarEvaluator
class  CvHaarFeatureParams
class  CvHOGEvaluator
struct  CvHOGFeatureParams
class  CvLBPEvaluator
struct  CvLBPFeatureParams
class  CvParams
struct  CylindricalPortraitProjector
class  CylindricalPortraitWarper
struct  CylindricalProjector
class  CylindricalWarper
 Warper that maps an image onto the x*x + z*z = 1 cylinder. More...
class  CylindricalWarperGpu
class  Detector
class  DisjointSets
class  DpSeamFinder
class  EstimatedGaussDistribution
class  Estimator
 Rotation estimator base class. More...
class  ExposureCompensator
 Base class for all exposure compensators. More...
struct  ExtractArgsCallback
struct  ExtractMetaCallback
class  FeatherBlender
 Simple blender which mixes images at its borders. More...
class  FeaturesMatcher
 Feature matchers base class. More...
struct  FisheyeProjector
class  FisheyeWarper
struct  flatten_g
struct  flatten_g< cv::GMat >
struct  flatten_g< cv::GScalar >
struct  flatten_g< GArray< T > >
struct  fluid_get_in
struct  fluid_get_in< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  fluid_get_in< cv::GMat >
struct  fluid_get_in< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  fluid_get_in< cv::GScalar >
struct  FluidCallHelper
struct  FluidCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... >, UseScratch >
class  GainCompensator
 Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities, see [BL07] and [WJ10] for details. More...
class  GArrayU
struct  GCompoundCallHelper
struct  GCompoundCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > >
struct  GCompoundContext
class  GCompoundKernel
class  GCompoundKernelImpl
struct  get_border_helper
struct  get_border_helper< false, Impl, Ins... >
struct  get_border_helper< true, Impl, Ins... >
struct  get_compound_in
struct  get_compound_in< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  get_compound_in< cv::GMatP >
struct  get_compound_in< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  get_in
struct  get_in< cv::GArray< cv::GArray< U > > >
struct  get_in< cv::GArray< cv::GMat > >
struct  get_in< cv::GArray< cv::GScalar > >
struct  get_in< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  get_in< cv::GFrame >
struct  get_in< cv::GMat >
struct  get_in< cv::GMatP >
struct  get_in< cv::GOpaque< cv::GMat > >
struct  get_in< cv::GOpaque< cv::GScalar > >
struct  get_in< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  get_in< cv::GScalar >
struct  get_out
struct  get_out< cv::GArray< cv::GArray< U > > >
struct  get_out< cv::GArray< cv::GMat > >
struct  get_out< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  get_out< cv::GFrame >
struct  get_out< cv::GMat >
struct  get_out< cv::GMatP >
struct  get_out< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  get_out< cv::GScalar >
struct  get_window_helper
struct  get_window_helper< false, Impl, Ins... >
struct  get_window_helper< true, Impl, Ins... >
class  GInferInputsTyped
class  GInferOutputsTyped
struct  GObtainCtor
struct  GObtainCtor< GArray< T > >
struct  GObtainCtor< GOpaque< T > >
struct  GOpaqueTraits
struct  GOpaqueTraits< bool >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::GMat >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Mat >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Point >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Point2f >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Point3f >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Rect >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Scalar >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< cv::Size >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< double >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< float >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< int >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< int64_t >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< std::string >
struct  GOpaqueTraits< uint64_t >
class  GOpaqueU
class  Graph
class  GraphCutSeamFinder
 Minimum graph cut-based seam estimator. See details in [V03] . More...
class  GraphCutSeamFinderBase
 Base class for all minimum graph-cut-based seam estimators. More...
struct  GraphEdge
struct  GTypeOf
struct  GTypeOf< cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr >
struct  GTypeOf< cv::Mat >
struct  GTypeOf< cv::MediaFrame >
struct  GTypeOf< cv::RMat >
struct  GTypeOf< cv::Scalar >
struct  GTypeOf< cv::UMat >
struct  GTypeOf< std::vector< U > >
struct  GTypeTraits
struct  GTypeTraits< cv::GArray< T > >
struct  GTypeTraits< cv::GFrame >
struct  GTypeTraits< cv::GMat >
struct  GTypeTraits< cv::GMatP >
struct  GTypeTraits< cv::GOpaque< T > >
struct  GTypeTraits< cv::GScalar >
struct  has_custom_wrap
struct  has_gshape
struct  has_Window
class  HomographyBasedEstimator
 Homography based rotation estimator. More...
struct  ImageFeatures
 Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors. More...
struct  in_variant
struct  in_variant< T, util::variant< Types... > >
struct  InferROITraits
struct  InferROITraits< GInferListBase >
struct  InferROITraits< GInferROIBase >
struct  InOutInfo
struct  is_gmat_type
struct  is_meta_descr
struct  is_meta_descr< GArrayDesc >
struct  is_meta_descr< GMatDesc >
struct  is_meta_descr< GOpaqueDesc >
struct  is_meta_descr< GScalarDesc >
struct  KernelTag
class  KernelTypeMedium
class  KernelTypeMedium< K, std::function< R(Args...)> >
class  KernelTypeMedium< K, std::function< std::tuple< R... >(Args...)> >
struct  last_type
struct  last_type< T >
struct  last_type< T, Ts... >
struct  MatchesInfo
 Structure containing information about matches between two images. More...
struct  MercatorProjector
class  MercatorWarper
struct  MetaHelper
struct  MetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out >
struct  MetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > >
struct  MetaType
struct  MetaType< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  MetaType< cv::GFrame >
struct  MetaType< cv::GMat >
struct  MetaType< cv::GMatP >
struct  MetaType< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  MetaType< cv::GScalar >
class  MultiBandBlender
 Blender which uses multi-band blending algorithm (see [BA83]). More...
class  NoBundleAdjuster
 Stub bundle adjuster that does nothing. More...
class  NoExposureCompensator
 Stub exposure compensator which does nothing. More...
class  NoSeamFinder
 Stub seam estimator which does nothing. More...
struct  NoTag
struct  ocl_get_in
struct  ocl_get_in< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  ocl_get_in< cv::GFrame >
struct  ocl_get_in< cv::GMat >
struct  ocl_get_in< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  ocl_get_in< cv::GScalar >
struct  ocl_get_out
struct  ocl_get_out< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  ocl_get_out< cv::GMat >
struct  ocl_get_out< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  ocl_get_out< cv::GScalar >
struct  OCLCallHelper
struct  OCLCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > >
struct  OCVCallHelper
struct  OCVCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > >
struct  OCVSetupHelper
struct  OCVSetupHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... > >
struct  OCVStCallHelper
struct  OCVStCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > >
class  OpaqueRef
class  OpaqueRefT
struct  OptRef
class  PairwiseSeamFinder
 Base class for all pairwise seam estimators. More...
struct  PaniniPortraitProjector
class  PaniniPortraitWarper
struct  PaniniProjector
class  PaniniWarper
struct  plaidml_get_in
struct  plaidml_get_in< cv::GMat >
struct  plaidml_get_out
struct  plaidml_get_out< cv::GMat >
struct  PlaidMLCallHelper
struct  PlaidMLCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > >
struct  PlanePortraitProjector
class  PlanePortraitWarper
struct  PlaneProjector
class  PlaneWarper
 Warper that maps an image onto the z = 1 plane. More...
class  PlaneWarperGpu
struct  ProjectorBase
 Base class for warping logic implementation. More...
struct  ProtoToMeta
struct  ProtoToMeta< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  ProtoToMeta< cv::GMat >
struct  ProtoToMeta< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  ProtoToMeta< cv::GScalar >
struct  ProtoToParam
struct  ProtoToParam< cv::GArray< cv::GMat > >
struct  ProtoToParam< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  ProtoToParam< cv::GMat >
struct  ProtoToParam< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  ProtoToParam< cv::GScalar >
class  RotationWarper
 Rotation-only model image warper interface. More...
class  RotationWarperBase
 Base class for rotation-based warper using a detail::ProjectorBase_ derived class. More...
struct  scratch_helper
struct  scratch_helper< false, Impl, Ins... >
struct  scratch_helper< true, Impl, Ins... >
class  SeamFinder
 Base class for a seam estimator. More...
struct  SphericalPortraitProjector
class  SphericalPortraitWarper
struct  SphericalProjector
class  SphericalWarper
 Warper that maps an image onto the unit sphere located at the origin. More...
class  SphericalWarperGpu
struct  StereographicProjector
class  StereographicWarper
class  StrongClassifierDirectSelection
class  Timelapser
class  TimelapserCrop
struct  tracked_cv_mat
struct  tracked_cv_umat
class  TrackerContribFeature
 Abstract base class for TrackerContribFeature that represents the feature. More...
class  TrackerContribFeatureHAAR
 TrackerContribFeature based on HAAR features, used by TrackerMIL and many others algorithms. More...
class  TrackerContribFeatureSet
 Class that manages the extraction and selection of features. More...
class  TrackerContribSampler
 Class that manages the sampler in order to select regions for the update the model of the tracker [AAM] Sampling e Labeling. See table I and section III B. More...
class  TrackerContribSamplerAlgorithm
 Abstract base class for TrackerContribSamplerAlgorithm that represents the algorithm for the specific sampler. More...
class  TrackerContribSamplerCSC
 TrackerSampler based on CSC (current state centered), used by MIL algorithm TrackerMIL. More...
class  TrackerFeature
 Abstract base class for TrackerFeature that represents the feature. More...
class  TrackerFeatureFeature2d
 TrackerContribFeature based on Feature2D. More...
class  TrackerFeatureHOG
 TrackerContribFeature based on HOG. More...
class  TrackerFeatureLBP
 TrackerContribFeature based on LBP. More...
class  TrackerFeatureSet
 Class that manages the extraction and selection of features. More...
class  TrackerModel
 Abstract class that represents the model of the target. More...
class  TrackerSampler
 Class that manages the sampler in order to select regions for the update the model of the tracker [AAM] Sampling e Labeling. See table I and section III B. More...
class  TrackerSamplerAlgorithm
 Abstract base class for TrackerSamplerAlgorithm that represents the algorithm for the specific sampler. More...
class  TrackerSamplerCS
 TrackerContribSampler based on CS (current state), used by algorithm TrackerBoosting. More...
class  TrackerSamplerCSC
 TrackerSampler based on CSC (current state centered), used by MIL algorithm TrackerMIL. More...
class  TrackerSamplerPF
 This sampler is based on particle filtering. More...
class  TrackerStateEstimator
 Abstract base class for TrackerStateEstimator that estimates the most likely target state. More...
class  TrackerStateEstimatorAdaBoosting
 TrackerStateEstimatorAdaBoosting based on ADA-Boosting. More...
class  TrackerStateEstimatorSVM
 TrackerStateEstimator based on SVM. More...
class  TrackerTargetState
 Abstract base class for TrackerTargetState that represents a possible state of the target. More...
struct  TransformTag
struct  TransHelper
struct  TransHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out >
struct  TransverseMercatorProjector
class  TransverseMercatorWarper
struct  TypeHint
struct  TypeHintBase
class  UkfSystemModel
 Model of dynamical system for Unscented Kalman filter. The interface for dynamical system model. It contains functions for computing the next state and the measurement. It must be inherited for using UKF. More...
class  UnscentedKalmanFilter
 The interface for Unscented Kalman filter and Augmented Unscented Kalman filter. More...
class  UnscentedKalmanFilterParams
 Unscented Kalman filter parameters. The class for initialization parameters of Unscented Kalman filter. More...
struct  valid_infer2_types
struct  valid_infer2_types< std::tuple< cv::GMat >, std::tuple< T > >
struct  valid_infer2_types< std::tuple< cv::GMat, Ns... >, std::tuple< T, Ts... > >
struct  valid_infer2_types< std::tuple< Ns... >, std::tuple<> >
struct  valid_infer2_types< std::tuple<>, std::tuple< Ts... > >
class  VectorRef
class  VectorRefT
class  VoronoiSeamFinder
 Voronoi diagram-based seam estimator. More...
class  WeakClassifierHaarFeature
struct  WrapValue
struct  WrapValue< T, typename std::enable_if< has_custom_wrap< T >::value >::type >
struct  wref_spec
struct  wref_spec< std::vector< T > >
struct  Yield
struct  Yield< cv::GArray< U > >
struct  Yield< cv::GMat >
struct  Yield< cv::GMatP >
struct  Yield< cv::GOpaque< U > >
struct  Yield< cv::GScalar >
struct  Yield< GFrame >


template<typename... Ts>
using are_meta_descrs = all_satisfy< is_meta_descr, Ts... >
template<typename... Ts>
using are_meta_descrs_but_last = all_satisfy< is_meta_descr, typename all_but_last< Ts... >::type >
typedef std::vector< std::pair< Ptr< TrackerTargetState >, float > > ConfidenceMap
 Represents the model of the target at frame \(k\) (all states and scores)
using ConstructOpaque = std::function< void(OpaqueRef &)>
using ConstructVec = std::function< void(VectorRef &)>
template<class T >
using g_type_of_t = typename GTypeOf< T >::type
using GOpaqueTraitsArrayTypes = std::tuple< int, double, float, uint64_t, bool, std::string, cv::Size, cv::Scalar, cv::Point, cv::Point2f, cv::Point3f, cv::Mat, cv::Rect, cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim >
using GOpaqueTraitsOpaqueTypes = std::tuple< int, double, float, uint64_t, bool, std::string, cv::Size, cv::Point, cv::Point2f, cv::Point3f, cv::Rect, cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim >
using HostCtor = util::variant< util::monostate, detail::ConstructVec, detail::ConstructOpaque >
template<typename T >
using is_compile_arg = std::is_same< GCompileArg, typename std::decay< T >::type >
template<typename T >
using is_garg = std::is_same< GArg, typename std::decay< T >::type >
template<typename T >
using is_nongapi_type = std::is_same< T, typename MetaType< T >::type >
template<typename... Ts>
using last_type_t = typename last_type< Ts... >::type
using OptionalOpaqueRef = OptRef< cv::detail::OpaqueRef >
using OptionalVectorRef = OptRef< cv::detail::VectorRef >
template<typename T >
using ProtoToMetaT = typename ProtoToMeta< T >::type
template<typename T >
using ProtoToParamT = typename ProtoToParam< T >::type
typedef std::vector< Ptr< TrackerTargetState > > Trajectory
 Represents the estimate states for all frames.
template<typename... Ts>
using valid_infer_types = all_satisfy< accepted_infer_types, Ts... >
template<typename T >
using wrap_gapi_helper = WrapValue< typename std::decay< T >::type >
template<typename T >
using wrap_host_helper = WrapValue< typename std::decay< g_type_of_t< T > >::type >


enum class  ArgKind : int {
  GMAT ,
enum class  OpaqueKind : int {
  CV_INT ,
  CV_INT64 ,
  CV_UINT64 ,
  CV_MAT ,
enum  WaveCorrectKind {


template<class Feature >
void _writeFeatures (const std::vector< Feature > features, FileStorage &fs, const Mat &featureMap)
WaveCorrectKind autoDetectWaveCorrectKind (const std::vector< Mat > &rmats)
 Tries to detect the wave correction kind depending on whether a panorama spans horizontally or vertically.
float calcNormFactor (const Mat &sum, const Mat &sqSum)
bool calibrateRotatingCamera (const std::vector< Mat > &Hs, Mat &K)
void computeImageFeatures (const Ptr< Feature2D > &featuresFinder, InputArray image, ImageFeatures &features, InputArray mask=noArray())
void computeImageFeatures (const Ptr< Feature2D > &featuresFinder, InputArrayOfArrays images, std::vector< ImageFeatures > &features, InputArrayOfArrays masks=noArray())
void constructGraphOutputs (const cv::GTypesInfo &out_info, cv::GRunArgs &args, cv::GRunArgsP &outs)
Ptr< UnscentedKalmanFiltercreateAugmentedUnscentedKalmanFilter (const AugmentedUnscentedKalmanFilterParams &params)
 Augmented Unscented Kalman Filter factory method.
void createLaplacePyr (InputArray img, int num_levels, std::vector< UMat > &pyr)
void createLaplacePyrGpu (InputArray img, int num_levels, std::vector< UMat > &pyr)
Ptr< UnscentedKalmanFiltercreateUnscentedKalmanFilter (const UnscentedKalmanFilterParams &params)
 Unscented Kalman Filter factory method.
void createWeightMap (InputArray mask, float sharpness, InputOutputArray weight)
void estimateFocal (const std::vector< ImageFeatures > &features, const std::vector< MatchesInfo > &pairwise_matches, std::vector< double > &focals)
 Estimates focal lengths for each given camera.
void findMaxSpanningTree (int num_images, const std::vector< MatchesInfo > &pairwise_matches, Graph &span_tree, std::vector< int > &centers)
void focalsFromHomography (const Mat &H, double &f0, double &f1, bool &f0_ok, bool &f1_ok)
 Tries to estimate focal lengths from the given homography under the assumption that the camera undergoes rotations around its centre only.
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< is_nongapi_type< T >::value, T >::type get_in_meta (const GMetaArgs &, const GArgs &in_args, int idx)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!is_nongapi_type< T >::value, typenameMetaType< T >::type >::type get_in_meta (const GMetaArgs &in_meta, const GArgs &, int idx)
template<typename... Ts, int... Indexes>
static GProtoOutputArgs getGOut_impl (const std::tuple< Ts... > &ts, detail::Seq< Indexes... >)
template<typename InferType >
InferROITraits< InferType >::outType inferGenericROI (const std::string &tag, const typename InferROITraits< InferType >::inType &in, const cv::GInferInputs &inputs)
std::vector< int > leaveBiggestComponent (std::vector< ImageFeatures > &features, std::vector< MatchesInfo > &pairwise_matches, float conf_threshold)
template<typename T >
auto make_default () -> decltype(T{})
template<typename InferT >
std::shared_ptr< cv::GCallmakeCall (const std::string &tag, std::vector< cv::GArg > &&args, std::vector< std::string > &&names, cv::GKinds &&kinds)
String matchesGraphAsString (std::vector< String > &paths, std::vector< MatchesInfo > &pairwise_matches, float conf_threshold)
void normalizeUsingWeightMap (InputArray weight, InputOutputArray src)
bool overlapRoi (Point tl1, Point tl2, Size sz1, Size sz2, Rect &roi)
template<typename... Ts>
GProtoArgs packArgs (Ts... args)
template<typename... Outputs>
void postprocess (Outputs &... outs)
template<typename... Outputs>
void postprocess_ocl (Outputs &... outs)
void restoreImageFromLaplacePyr (std::vector< UMat > &pyr)
void restoreImageFromLaplacePyrGpu (std::vector< UMat > &pyr)
Rect resultRoi (const std::vector< Point > &corners, const std::vector< Size > &sizes)
Rect resultRoi (const std::vector< Point > &corners, const std::vector< UMat > &images)
Rect resultRoiIntersection (const std::vector< Point > &corners, const std::vector< Size > &sizes)
Point resultTl (const std::vector< Point > &corners)
void selectRandomSubset (int count, int size, std::vector< int > &subset)
int & stitchingLogLevel ()
template<typename T >
gapi::GNetParam strip (T &&t)
void unpackBlobs (const cv::GInferInputs::Map &blobs, std::vector< cv::GArg > &args, std::vector< std::string > &names, cv::GKinds &kinds)
void waveCorrect (std::vector< Mat > &rmats, WaveCorrectKind kind)
 Tries to make panorama more horizontal (or vertical).
GOptRunArgP wrap_opt_arg (optional< cv::Mat > &m)
GOptRunArgP wrap_opt_arg (optional< cv::MediaFrame > &f)
GOptRunArgP wrap_opt_arg (optional< cv::RMat > &m)
GOptRunArgP wrap_opt_arg (optional< cv::Scalar > &s)
template<typename T >
GOptRunArgP wrap_opt_arg (optional< std::vector< T > > &arg)
template<typename T >
GOptRunArgP wrap_opt_arg (optional< T > &arg)

Typedef Documentation

◆ are_meta_descrs

template<typename... Ts>
using cv::detail::are_meta_descrs = typedef all_satisfy<is_meta_descr, Ts...>

◆ are_meta_descrs_but_last

template<typename... Ts>
using cv::detail::are_meta_descrs_but_last = typedef all_satisfy<is_meta_descr, typename all_but_last<Ts...>::type>

◆ ConstructOpaque

using cv::detail::ConstructOpaque = typedef std::function<void(OpaqueRef&)>

◆ ConstructVec

using cv::detail::ConstructVec = typedef std::function<void(VectorRef&)>

◆ g_type_of_t

template<class T >
using cv::detail::g_type_of_t = typedef typename GTypeOf<T>::type

◆ GOpaqueTraitsArrayTypes

◆ GOpaqueTraitsOpaqueTypes

using cv::detail::GOpaqueTraitsOpaqueTypes = typedef std::tuple<int, double, float, uint64_t, bool, std::string, cv::Size, cv::Point, cv::Point2f, cv::Point3f, cv::Rect, cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim>

◆ HostCtor

◆ is_compile_arg

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::is_compile_arg = typedef std::is_same<GCompileArg, typename std::decay<T>::type>

◆ is_garg

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::is_garg = typedef std::is_same<GArg, typename std::decay<T>::type>

◆ is_nongapi_type

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::is_nongapi_type = typedef std::is_same<T, typename MetaType<T>::type>

◆ last_type_t

template<typename... Ts>
using cv::detail::last_type_t = typedef typename last_type<Ts...>::type

◆ OptionalOpaqueRef

◆ OptionalVectorRef

◆ ProtoToMetaT

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::ProtoToMetaT = typedef typename ProtoToMeta<T>::type

◆ ProtoToParamT

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::ProtoToParamT = typedef typename ProtoToParam<T>::type

◆ valid_infer_types

template<typename... Ts>
using cv::detail::valid_infer_types = typedef all_satisfy<accepted_infer_types, Ts...>

◆ wrap_gapi_helper

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::wrap_gapi_helper = typedef WrapValue<typename std::decay<T>::type>

◆ wrap_host_helper

template<typename T >
using cv::detail::wrap_host_helper = typedef WrapValue<typename std::decay<g_type_of_t<T> >::type>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ArgKind

enum class cv::detail::ArgKind : int

◆ OpaqueKind

enum class cv::detail::OpaqueKind : int

Function Documentation

◆ constructGraphOutputs()

void cv::detail::constructGraphOutputs ( const cv::GTypesInfo out_info,
cv::GRunArgs args,
cv::GRunArgsP outs 

◆ get_in_meta() [1/2]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if< is_nongapi_type< T >::value, T >::type cv::detail::get_in_meta ( const GMetaArgs ,
const GArgs in_args,
int  idx 

◆ get_in_meta() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!is_nongapi_type< T >::value, typenameMetaType< T >::type >::type cv::detail::get_in_meta ( const GMetaArgs in_meta,
const GArgs ,
int  idx 

◆ getGOut_impl()

template<typename... Ts, int... Indexes>
static GProtoOutputArgs cv::detail::getGOut_impl ( const std::tuple< Ts... > &  ts,
detail::Seq< Indexes... >   

◆ inferGenericROI()

template<typename InferType >
InferROITraits< InferType >::outType cv::detail::inferGenericROI ( const std::string &  tag,
const typename InferROITraits< InferType >::inType &  in,
const cv::GInferInputs inputs 

◆ make_default()

template<typename T >
auto cv::detail::make_default ( ) -> decltype(T{})

◆ makeCall()

template<typename InferT >
std::shared_ptr< cv::GCall > cv::detail::makeCall ( const std::string &  tag,
std::vector< cv::GArg > &&  args,
std::vector< std::string > &&  names,
cv::GKinds &&  kinds 

◆ packArgs()

template<typename... Ts>
GProtoArgs cv::detail::packArgs ( Ts...  args)

◆ postprocess()

template<typename... Outputs>
void cv::detail::postprocess ( Outputs &...  outs)

◆ postprocess_ocl()

template<typename... Outputs>
void cv::detail::postprocess_ocl ( Outputs &...  outs)

◆ strip()

template<typename T >
gapi::GNetParam cv::detail::strip ( T &&  t)

◆ unpackBlobs()

void cv::detail::unpackBlobs ( const cv::GInferInputs::Map blobs,
std::vector< cv::GArg > &  args,
std::vector< std::string > &  names,
cv::GKinds kinds 

◆ wrap_opt_arg() [1/6]

GOptRunArgP cv::detail::wrap_opt_arg ( optional< cv::Mat > &  m)

◆ wrap_opt_arg() [2/6]

GOptRunArgP cv::detail::wrap_opt_arg ( optional< cv::MediaFrame > &  f)

◆ wrap_opt_arg() [3/6]

GOptRunArgP cv::detail::wrap_opt_arg ( optional< cv::RMat > &  m)

◆ wrap_opt_arg() [4/6]

GOptRunArgP cv::detail::wrap_opt_arg ( optional< cv::Scalar > &  s)

◆ wrap_opt_arg() [5/6]

template<typename T >
GOptRunArgP cv::detail::wrap_opt_arg ( optional< std::vector< T > > &  arg)

◆ wrap_opt_arg() [6/6]

template<typename T >
GOptRunArgP cv::detail::wrap_opt_arg ( optional< T > &  arg)